Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish
(St Mary’s) 560 West 14th Avenue Vancouver, BC.
A church in the Byzantine Rite. Part of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster.
Fr. Joseph Pidskalny, OSBM – Administrator (o. Йосип Підскальний, ЧСВВ)
Divine Liturgy Sundays 8:30am English 10:30am Ukrainian Daily Mon-Sat 7:30am
Welcome! The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish welcomes everyone to our Divine Liturgy.
Thank you for worshipping with us. Join us for coffee and sweets after Liturgy in the Fellowship Room
On Sunday February 16,2025 we welcomed the Ukrainian Athletes from the Invictus Games. Photos
St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada ((UCWLC) )
“Easter Bake Sale”- April 13 (Palm Sunday). This is for our parishioners only. Order forms available Sundays leading up to that date. Cut-off date for ordering is April 9. All orders may be picked up in the parish auditorium on Palm Sunday between 10:00 am – 12 Noon (following each Divine Liturgy). Please don’t wait till the last minute to place your order, as we need numbers for quantity to make. Marlayne Andrijaszyn, President.
Sunday, March 16 Shevchenko Concert
Lyrika Chorus of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Vancouver will be presenting a short concert in honour of Taras Shevchenko in our Fellowship Room. 12:15 pm. Please join us in commemorating our great Ukrainian poet, writer and artist.
Wednesday, March 19: 7:00 pm – Stations of the Cross in chapel.
Friday, March 21: Parish Mission. 10:00 am: Divine Liturgy No Sorokousty on this day. We will celebrate a Panachyda after the Divine Liturgy for the intention of all those commemorated at the Sorokousty service.
Saturday, March 22: Parish Mission. 10:00 am: Divine Liturgy
Sunday, March 23: Parish Mission. Mission talks at both Divine Liturgies.
Vancouver Food Bank Donations June 1,2025
Our Parish will be collecting monetary donations for the Vancouver Food Bank. A collection will take place four times a year, on the first Sunday of March, June, September and December 2025. A collection, MONETARY ONLY, will be held on Sunday, March 2 at both Divine
Liturgies. May Our Lord bless you for your kindness and generosity. For a tax receipt, please write your name and address on the special envelope “Vancouver Food Bank Donation”. Make cheques payable to “St. Mary’s Parish” indicate in the memo portion it is for the “Vancouver Food Bank.”
Ukrainian Embroidery Club –
Starts January 20th. A Ukrainian Embroidery Club meets on Monday evenings at St. Mary’s from 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the downstairs classroom. New students, family and friends are welcome. Information – Emily at 778-888-3057.
Ukrainian Classes for Adults
Starts January 27th. Ukrainian classes for adults are held on Monday evenings at St. Mary’s. Please come join us. All levels welcome. For more information and tuition rates, etc., or Susan at 604-733-3756
Ukrainian Christmas Fair Photos go to :Ukrainian Christmas Fair Photos and Promos
Test your Ukrainian Language skill here WORDLE українською — вгадуй нове слово щодня (
Altar Servers
If any young men are interested in becoming an altar server at either the 8:30 or 10:30 am Sunday Divine Liturgy, please speak to Subdeacon Adrian Kopystynski .
To help the People of Ukraine
Divine Liturgy Intentions –If you would like to request a Divine Liturgy, please contact the parish office to book a date. If you are making an offering for this service by cheque, please make your cheque payable to “Basilian Fathers.” The suggested offering for a Divine Liturgy is $10.