Month: August 2018
Last Liturgy celebrated at St Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church Princess Street
August 4 and 6, 1968 – Sunday and the Feastday of the Transfiguration. The Divine Liturgies are served for the last time at the church on Princess and Pender St in Vancouver.
August 11,1968 – Sunday – On this date Divine Liturgies are now celebrated on Sundays at the Ukrainian Catholic Centre.( 3150 Ash Street) During the week the Fathers Isadore Dziadyk OSBM, Father Juvenalius Slota OSBM and Father Boniface Sloboda OSBM moved from Princess Street residence to their new monastry residence (though not yet totally completed)
Parish Executives 1968
President- Fred Koshman
Vice-President and Finance Chair- Mir Huculak
Secretary – Michael Saranchuk
Audit Chair – Edward Bealey
Building Chair – Mike Chomcy