Month: April 2020
Holy Thursday
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On Holy Thursday we will be praying:
9:00AM – Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great/Великий четвер
Вечірня з Літургією св. Василія Великого.
6:00PM – Passion Matins/Утреня Страстей
*Full texts are attached/Тексти в прикріпленні
Please join us for Holy Thursday Services at Holy Eucharist Cathedral via LIVE streaming choosing of the following options:
1) Facebook
2) Youtube
3) Telus TV channel by tuning to channel 8915 on TELUS Optik. All Optik customers have that channel – it is not necessary to subscribe to it. The information in the guide will likely say ‘TELUS Live Events’. This channel will be providing access to Easter services from a number of different churches including Holy Eucharist Cathedral. Use the arrow keys on the remote control to scroll through the tiles until you find the church that you want and press OK. If a service is streaming you will see it in a smaller video window. Press OK again to view it full screen.