Parish Programs

or email  St Marys Young Adults   at

Ukrainian Classes

Learn how to read, write and speak Ukrainian, whether you’ve never seen the language before, have some background or speak fluently and want to brush up on your skills.

The Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian School, which has been running for almost 20 years, offers instruction for beginners, intermediate and advanced students taught by Ukraine-born qualified teachers in informal and  fun classes.

There are two terms a year, each 10 weeks. The fall term begins in late September, the winter term in mid-January. The school runs Monday evenings, from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m.

Classes held at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church near Vancouver City Hall. (Enter the parking lot off 16th Avenue and Ash Street. Parking is free. Enter the church basement at the  south-east side  door.)


Run by the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian School Society (registered under the B.C. Society Act).

For more information or to register, please contact Anne at 604-733-3756 or

Young Adults Program

Vancouver Food Bank Collections

On the last Sunday of each month St. Mary’s parishioners donate non-perishable food items for the Vancouver Food Bank. Let us give generously, being always mindful of those in need.