Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church
550 West 14th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1P6
phone: 604-879-5830 fax: 604-874-2727
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm office email:
Administrator: Father Joseph Pidskalny, OSBM
Parish Council (effective December 2024)
Parish Pastor : Father Joseph Pidskalny, OSBM
Chair: Vacant
Vice-Chair: Donna Busko
Recording Secretary: Orest Kernycky
Grounds Maintenance: Gerry Ukrainetz
Recreation Centre : Henrietta Ukrainetz
Finance Chair: Vacant
Past Chair:- Lorraine Waslen
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada :-Marlayne Andrijaszyn
Knights of Columbus contact : Subdeacon: Adrian Kopystynski
St Mary’s Young Adults Group :
To contact any of the parish council please contact the parish office.
St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Centre – Hall or Boardroom rental- contact Parish Office at 604-879-5830 or email
St. Mary’s Recreational Centre rentals contact Parish Office at 604-879-5830 or email
We encourage you to register with the parish office. Remember – to be considered as a member of this Parish you must be registered, attend the Divine Liturgy regularly and make regular contributions to maintain the Parish.